Report on Sarvodaya Movements’ Efforts for a Peaceful and Fair Presidential Election in Sri Lanka 

By Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, President, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement , 29 September 2024


The 2024 Presidential Elections in Sri Lanka was considered one of the free and peaceful elections in  recent Sri Lanka. The new President, Hon. Anura Kumara Dissanayake was elected as the 9th Executive  President of the country representing the Jathika Jana Balawegaya (National People’s Party NPP).  

Sarvodaya Movement along with its political empowerment arm- Deshodaya (National Awakening) and national partners, People’s Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL), and March 12 Movement,  made significant contributions towards promoting free and fair electoral process at the recently  concluded Presidential Elections in Sri Lanka on the 21st of September 2024.  

Key Objectives of Sarvodaya led interventions  

  • To promote peaceful election practices among voters.  
  • To promote accountability and free and fair election practices among the political parties   To educate communities about their electoral rights.  
  • To advocate for the social rights of voters and marginalized populations among the different  political factions.  
  • To monitor and report on the election process for transparency, accountability, free, peaceful  and fairness  

Key Initiatives  

Awareness and Voter Education Campaigns  

Even before the date for the Presidential Elections was declared, Sarvodaya collaborated with its 19  district centers and Deshodaya teams to address the socio-economic and governance crises that  communities voiced during the People’s protests (Aragalaya) in 2022. They facilitated local dialogues  that brought together representatives from various political parties, civil society organizations, local  communities, and women activists. These discussions aimed to foster understanding and cooperation,  reduce tensions, and ensure free, peaceful, and fair elections while promoting unity in addressing the  most pressing community issues. Importantly, they also examined how these issues were reflected in  the election manifestos of presidential candidates. In 17 districts, women civil society leaders received  training in leadership, advocacy, networking, and confidence building, empowering them to voice  their opinions in decision-making circles.  

A key component of these awareness and education initiatives was fostering a new, accountable  political culture and reaffirming citizens’ roles within it. Conducted under the broader campaign  “Reinforcing Democracy and Promoting Clean Politics,” in collaboration with the March 12 Movement,  a gathering of 1,800 participants including civil society activists, political party representatives  attended and these efforts included public gatherings, dialogues, distribution of informational  pamphlets, and social media outreach to engage a wider audience.

Internal Discussions preparing for elections  

With guidance from Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the  University of Colombo, and Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, conducted a discussion with Headquarters and  District Staff and Deshodaya activists, on the current crisis in the country and how the forthcoming  presidential election manifestos can include proposals conducive from the civil society and  representatives from Sarvodaya district centres and societies.  

Election Manifestos and Public Awareness  

The March 12 Movement, founded on the principles of clean politics, is a civil society collaboration  involving the Sarvodaya Movement, PAFFREL, and several other organizations.  

It provided a platform for all presidential candidates to share their aspirations, present their  manifestos, and engage in debates. Out of 38 invited candidates, 13 presented their manifestos to the  public, which were broadcasted across nine national and local media stations. Sarvodaya and  Deshodaya served as key collaborating partners in this initiative. Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, President of the  Sarvodaya Movement, moderated sessions on September 8th and 9th, while Mr. Saliya Peiris, former  President of the Sri Lanka Bar Association, moderated the inaugural debate on September 7th.  

Additionally, Sarvodaya collaborated with other civil society organizations to gather data and feedback  on the prevailing socio-economic and governance situation in Sri Lanka, facilitating discussions on key  interventions and policy proposals for the candidates to consider.  

Child Wellbeing  

Furthermore, Sarvodaya convened with key organizations focused on child well-being to form a “CSO  Collective for Child Wellbeing: Placing Children at the Heart of an Inclusive and Just Society.” This  collective advocated for essential child well-being proposals to be prioritized by any new  administration, sharing these recommendations with the mass media. 

A group of civil society organisations have called upon Presidential candidates to safeguard children and protect children with a clear political mandate and timeline  in Sri Lanka’s future administration. The appeal has been endorsed by Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka, Children’s Emergency Relief International- Sri  Lanka (CERI), Alliance Development Trust (ADT), LEADS, Child Action Lanka, Catholic Care for Children Sri Lanka, Emerge Lanka Foundation, ECPAT Sri Lanka and  Community Concern –Kidznet. Following is the full text of the appeal.  

We, as a coalition of civil society organisations advocating for the well-being of Children in the country, urge all the Candidates at the 2024 Presidential Elections in Sri  Lanka to step up to ensure tangible, timely, and relevant actions in their next government to achieve the aspired impact of development and inclusive societies through  the right policy, investment, and action for protecting Children.  

As the upcoming election draws near, we write to you with an urgent appeal to prioritise the protection and well-being of our children in your campaign and future  administration. The challenges facing our children are vast and pressing, and it is crucial that we address them with both urgency and precision.  

Children are our society›s most delicate and precious members, and they need to be cared for, protected, nurtured, and empowered and hold equal status as any  human being. Their well-being, safety, and development are crucial for a prosperous future. In light of increasing concerns about child safety, we propose a  comprehensive proposal to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a secure, healthy, and supportive environment. This proposal outlines a multi faceted approach to child protection, encompassing legislative measures, family and community initiatives, and educational programs.  

Our six-sector integrated Proposal for Ensuring Child Protection for the attention and action by the Candidates at the Presidential Elections Sri Lanka, 2024.  Key Areas of Focus  

Child Protection Systems  


  • Strengthen, Advocate, and Capacitate a Multi-sectoral System for Child Protection  
  • Strengthen Inter-agency coordination on Child Protection both in government, non-government and national and sub national levels   Institutionalization of the implementation mechanism of the National Child Protection Policy with necessary legal provisions   Build knowledge and awareness on Child Protection among parents, authorities, children, families and communities  
  • Timeline: Develop and propose a detailed plan of action within the first 100 days of your administration, with the aim of nationwide implementation by  the end of the first year.  

Child-Friendly Juvenile Justice system  


  • Setting up a more efficient system for investigations and processing of court cases involving children with the principle of the Best Interest of the Child   A child-friendly Legal Framework further strengthening family based care and reducing institutionalization  
  • Strengthen laws on digital protections in an era of increasing online threats.  
  • Timeline: Expedite legislative action within the first 12 months, aiming for enhanced protections by the end of the second year. 

Social Care for Children  


  • Improve Social Care for Children in Institutions  
  • Efficient coordination of the Alternative Care Policy  
  • Cabinet Approval of the Foster Care Act  
  • Reducing Institutionalization and Strengthening Family-Based Care  

A strong social service system and workforce  

  • Timeline: Introduce and implement reforms within the first 6 months, with significant improvements in social care systems by the end of the first year. 

Online Safety for Children  


  • Establish national guidelines for communication and media related to child protection, streamline online safety systems, and enhance monitoring of  cybercrime.  
  • Promote education and awareness on online safety.  
  • Timeline: Develop and implement national guidelines and safety systems within the first 6 months, with ongoing monitoring and adjustments  throughout the first year.  

Protection of Children from Substance Abuse and Use  


  • Implement comprehensive school safety measures and safety protocols, including updated emergency response plans, and mental health resources to  be implemented in schools and school neighborhoods  
  • Increase education and awareness through media campaigns and community-based awareness programs  
  • Increase funding for school-based mental health services and ensure all students have access to counseling and psychological support.   Timeline: Introduce a legislative proposal within the first 6 months, and develop a detailed plan within the first 100 days of your administration, with  the aim of nationwide implementation by the end of the first year.  

Protect Children in Emergencies  


  • Ensure child protection measures are integrated into emergency response and recovery efforts, focusing on child protection and well-being during  crises.  
  • Timeline: Establish emergency child protection protocols within the first 6 months, with full integration into response strategies by the end of the first  year. 

Engaging Press  

Before the elections on the 21st September, a press release was issued under the signature of the  President of Sarvodaya Movement, Dr Vinya Ariyaratne as an appeal to the public and concerned  parties the importance of maintaining peace and law and order for the upcoming elections and ensure  a free and fair electoral process which was much received by the public and the civil society.  

Election Monitoring  

Sarvodaya’s contribution to election monitoring efforts were crucial in ensuring a fair and transparent  electoral process during the recent presidential elections in Sri Lanka. With a focus on safeguarding  the integrity of the elections, Sarvodaya mobilized trained staff and volunteers across the country.  

Sarvodaya staff and volunteers were trained and deployed for election monitoring work across 24  districts covering 92 electoral areas. This included the Postal Voting that was conducted on the 4th of  September, during the election day on the 21st of September and until the counting process was  completed. Trained volunteers were stationed at the polling stations as well as on mobile monitoring  visiting number of polling stations in the area. These monitors were tasked with monitoring elections  for fairness and without intimidation, reporting of any irregularities to the relevant authorities.  

Key Activities 

1. Training and Deployment of Monitors 

Sarvodaya trained staff and volunteers to effectively monitor the electoral process. A  total of 24 districts were covered, encompassing 92 electoral areas, ensuring  comprehensive oversight. 

Monitoring Phases 

The monitoring efforts spanned key phases:  

  • Pre-Election Monitoring: Assessing the political environment leading up to  the election.  
  • Election Day Monitoring: Staff and Volunteers were stationed at polling  stations on September 21st to oversee the voting process.  
  • Postal-Voting Monitoring and post-election monitoring: Continued  observation on September 4t h as well as throughout the counting process  to ensure transparency.  

2. On-Site and Mobile Monitoring 

Monitors were deployed at polling stations and engaged in mobile monitoring,  allowing them to visit multiple locations throughout the day. This approach helped  cover a wider area and address any irregularities more effectively.  

3. Reporting Irregularities 

Trained volunteers were tasked with identifying and reporting any incidents of intimidation, voter  suppression, or other irregularities. They maintained a direct line of communication with Pafferl  as one of the main election monitoring mechanisms, to ensure timely responses to any issues. 

Subsequent to the election of the new President and the Cabinet of Ministers, The Parliament was  dissolved and the date for general election was announced for 14th November. Sarvodaya will continue  to be part of the election monitoring process in partnership with PAFFREL.  

Conclusion: Sarvodaya as an influencing actor 

The senior management of Sarvodaya was convened following the elections to contextualise the key  direction of the new administration, their development policies for the next 5 years and how well  Sarvodaya will be positioned and how best Sarvodaya development vision can continue to influence  the country into the aspired new era. The conversations highlighted new avenues opened by  Sarvodaya’s strategic approach, known as Artha Dharma, which presents an integrated national  development framework. This approach encompasses key strategies for economic and social  empowerment, macro and microeconomic policies, social protection, and climate action and disaster  response. These strategies were identified as crucial interventions to support the state in achieving  sustainable rural development and establishing devolved power structures aimed at realizing Grama  Swaraj.