Statement issued by the President of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne issued this statement earlier this week, in response to the chaos and unrest amongst the citizens of Sri Lanka, due to the violence created by biased segments of soceity during the current political and economic crisis in the country.
Sri Lankan Conglomerate ties up with Sarvodaya to assist Female Entrepreneurs
The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement has a long history of initiating programs for female entrepreneurs. Training and development of skills, education on business and financial aspects, loans, grants, and follow up on their progress are some of the areas in which Sarvodaya has extensive experience and expertise. Expolanka Holdings, a globally diversified conglomerate in Sri Lanka,…
Requests for Funds to Complete the Intermediary Care Center at Sarvodaya Premises
The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka has been at the forefront of community level COVID-19 prevention and control activities since the beginning of the epidemic in March 2020 and has assumed responsibility to assist the Government’s effort to set up a hundred-bed Intermediary Care Centre at Thanamalwila, Monaragala District, Uva Province. This facility will be…
Experts come together to list immediate actions to circumvent the death and severely infected rates due to the COVID-19 pandemic
After a dearth of availability, finally Sri Lanka has acquired vaccinations and programs are underway to get as much of the population vaccinated rapidly. However, the delta variant is spreading faster than the people can be protected via the vaccination, that the infected and death toll is rising rapidly on a daily basis. Lead by…
Sarvodaya’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka – Looking back over 1 year’s work
Sarvodaya had been identifying and addressing community needs in Sri Lanka for over 60 years, when the COVID-19 virus made its first appearance in Sri Lanka in March 2020. While Sri Lanka had not faced an airborne, rapidly spreading virus resulting in a physical disease like this before, Sarvodaya had had experience in handling emergency…
Assisting the Health Care sector as COVID cases rise rapidly
Sri Lanka is experiencing a rapid increase in patients infected with COVID-19. As of end of April 2021, over 1000 cases per day have been reported for the 3 consecutive days. This is the largest number of cases reported per day, since the onset of the epidemic back in early 2020. The epidemiological impact of…
The Need for a Holistic Approach to Water, by Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne
March 22 is World Water Day. This lecture, given in November 2006, is take from Volume 8 of the Collected Works of Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne and remains timely for today. Featured image from worldwaterday.org. Just over one year ago at the invitation of the Institution Of Engineers in Sri Lanka I delivered the Sanmugam Arumugam…
Celebrating Ari’s 89th Birthday
November 2020: Supporters and friends from around the world joined a Zoom call celebrating Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne’s 89th birthday and launching the Steve and Judy West Women’s Enterprise Development Fund.
Digital Library of Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne’s Collected Works now available!
Thanks to voluntary efforts in Sri Lanka and the US, all 10 volumes of the Collected Works of our founder, Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne have been scanned and posted at this link. Please share this with everyone, everywhere interested in people-centered strategies for community development!
The Second Wave of COVID-19 hits Sri Lanka
How the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka is Responding On October 5th 2020, after a significant period of dormancy, and therefore unfortunately complacency, COVID-19 raised its ugly head in the form of a cluster of infected factory workers in Sri Lanka. While response was speedy once detected, the virus had already spread beyond the…