Tag: Basic Needs
Statement issued by the President of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne issued this statement earlier this week, in response to the chaos and unrest amongst the citizens of Sri Lanka, due to the violence created by biased segments of soceity during the current political and economic crisis in the country.
Requests for Funds to Complete the Intermediary Care Center at Sarvodaya Premises
The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka has been at the forefront of community level COVID-19 prevention and control activities since the beginning of the epidemic in March 2020 and has assumed responsibility to assist the Government’s effort to set up a hundred-bed Intermediary Care Centre at Thanamalwila, Monaragala District, Uva Province. This facility will be…
Sarvodaya’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka – Looking back over 1 year’s work
Sarvodaya had been identifying and addressing community needs in Sri Lanka for over 60 years, when the COVID-19 virus made its first appearance in Sri Lanka in March 2020. While Sri Lanka had not faced an airborne, rapidly spreading virus resulting in a physical disease like this before, Sarvodaya had had experience in handling emergency…
Empowering vulnerable communities in disaster preparedness
Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER), an initiative by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) supported by the US Agency for International Development, Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) started in 1998. After 2 decades of implementation, Sri Lanka has been recognized as one of the countries to implement Phase 5 of PEER.…
Re-imagining our purpose
We at Sarvodaya believe in keeping up with the times. Since the inception of Sarvodaya Sri Lanka way back in 1958, the goal has been to cater to the community’s current needs. The birth of Sarvodaya USA was with an objective of assisting towards this goal of achieving the basic human needs as spelled out…