Tag: training
World Tourism Day and Sarvodaya
Sarvodaya has always been a promoter of Community Tourism. Sarvodaya has had students, non-profit workers, volunteers, and interested individuals and groups visiting their villages and working with the community to improve the village. They contribute through physical labor and also by working with the people living in the village, to develop ideas into actionable plans.…
Sarvodaya shares their work related to Water on World Water Day 2024
Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, President of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka, was the keynote speaker for The Light Millennium, Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications at their 4th Annual World Water Day International Panel held on March 24th, 2024. Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne spoke of the past…
Sri Lankan Conglomerate ties up with Sarvodaya to assist Female Entrepreneurs
The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement has a long history of initiating programs for female entrepreneurs. Training and development of skills, education on business and financial aspects, loans, grants, and follow up on their progress are some of the areas in which Sarvodaya has extensive experience and expertise. Expolanka Holdings, a globally diversified conglomerate in Sri Lanka,…
Sarvodaya’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka – Looking back over 1 year’s work
Sarvodaya had been identifying and addressing community needs in Sri Lanka for over 60 years, when the COVID-19 virus made its first appearance in Sri Lanka in March 2020. While Sri Lanka had not faced an airborne, rapidly spreading virus resulting in a physical disease like this before, Sarvodaya had had experience in handling emergency…
Sarvodaya’s Response to the COVID19 pandemic in Sri Lanka – An Action Plan
Current Status Sri Lanka has been able to contain the pandemic to a very great extent with minimum community spreading. The government’s response at a national level has helped place Sri Lanka in Stage 3 as per WHO categorization. Challenges While the government bodies are implementing curfew, lockdown and limited movement strategies with healthcare and…
Youth Entrepreneurship Program
Background “Tharunodaya,” meaning ‘youth awakening’, is a youth entrepreneurship development project. Sarvodaya initiated the project in early 2019 to develop the capacities and increase the financing opportunities of unemployed youth so that they are able to engage in income generating activities. This project aims to encourage and empower youth to become independent, self-sufficient, enjoy financial…